Saracens Mavericks Confirm Captain and Vice-Captain for 2024 Season

Saracens Mavericks are delighted to confirm our captain and co-captain for the 2024 NSL season.
Following the retirement of Sasha Corbin over the summer, defensive star Jodie Gibson has been named as captain, with Wing Attack Georgia Lees named as vice-captain for the season ahead.
Both players bring a wealth of experience to the role, as well as a deep understanding of what it takes to ‘Be A Maverick.’
Gibson has been a rock in the defensive circle for her side over the last few seasons and admitted that it was a huge privilege to have been named as captain.
“I feel so honoured to follow on from Sasha. It’s a real honour to have been asked by the coaches and I hope that I do the club and the team proud. I can’t wait to lead this incredible group. We’ve got so much talent from those who have come in and those who we have retained, and I truly think we can go to new heights this season.”
Vice-Captain Lees is another player who has been a part of the Mavericks family for several years. A key member of the group on and off the court, she is looking forward to continuing to develop the Mavericks mindset throughout the group.
“It’s a real honour to be named as vice-captain to Jodie. I was really surprised when Camilla rang me, but it means so much. We’ve got a great group of girls this season and I’m looking forward to building on the on-court and off-court sides again this season. We’ve got some really exciting young talent in the squad and a real strength in depth. We’ve also got our training partners too, who are going to have amazing careers ahead of them. I’m really looking forward to it.”
Head Coach Camilla Buchanan feels that she has two perfect leaders to drive her side forward this season.
“I couldn’t think of two better people than Jodie and Georgia to be our captain and vice-captain this season. They both lead in everything they do on the court and off of it as well. It’s a bit of a fresh start for us this season and having two brilliant people who know what we’re about driving the standards and leading this group is going to be fantastic. I’m so excited to be working with them both.”
Gibson is stepping into the role that Sasha Corbin had previously held with such esteem and she explained that her philosophy as a captain would be to make sure that everyone has a voice in the side.
“I want to lead by example and set the standards, but it’s also so important for me that everyone has a voice. No team is about one person, so if I can make sure that everyone is empowered to have a voice in this group, I think we can achieve something special.”