Saracens vs Munster ticket exchange
Following confirmation that the Heineken Champions Cup fixture against Munster on 14th December is sold out, are you looking to sell your Season Ticket seats? or (whether you are a Season Ticket Holder or not) looking to snap up the last remaining tickets sold through resell? Check out the information below to find out more!
Saracens Season Ticket Holders information on selling tickets
If you are a Saracens Season Ticket Holder and are looking to sell your tickets to the Munster game please follow the steps below.
- Log into your Saracens account online and select Tickets
- On My Homepage, click Resell tickets in the Client Account menu on the right-hand menu
- The Munster game is the only game that will be on offer to resell your tickets
- Click View Details to see the tickets you are able to resell
- Select the ticket(s) you want to resell and click Resell Selected Tickets
- You will then see a confirmation of the tickets you are about to sell and the money you can expect to receive in return, if the tickets are sold. This will be the pro rata season ticket value
- Please click Put on sale
- You will then see a confirmation of the tickets you are about to sell and the money you will expect to receive in return for the tickets
Note that you can remove your tickets from resale at any time before they are sold. Simply log in to your account, click on Resell tickets and follow the prompts.
Information on buying resell tickets?
The Munster game on the 14th December has sold out so the only chance of finding a ticket is through this resell process. If you are looking to buy Munster tickets, that have been made available by Season Ticket Holders, please click HEREÂ . Any tickets made available will pop up on that page. Please then follow the instructions to purchase these tickets.
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