A-Z | Ine-Mari Venter

Our Goal Shooter and South African international took on this week's A-Z challenge.
A – Action: If you could be a superhero, which would you be?
Wonder Woman
B – Bestie: Who is your best friend in the squad?
I am the closest with Kira Rothwell
C – Childhood: What is your favourite childhood memory?
Lunch with my late grandma during the school holidays.
D – Dish: What’s your go-to pre-match meal?
Anything with peanut butter & banana OR pasta.
E – Education: What was your favourite subject in school?
F – Film buff: What’s your favourite film?
It is a tie between The Proposal & How to Loose a Guy in 10 days.
G – Groove: Who is the best dancer in the squad?
From what I have seen on our nights out, I would give it to Georgia Lees
H – Holiday: What’s your favourite holiday destination?
I simply love travelling to Namibia.
I – Inside: Who is the worst to sit beside in the dressing room?
Anyone with stinky trainers.
J – Joker: Who is the funniest in the squad?
I quite enjoy Georgia Lees’ sense of humour.
K – Kid: What did you want to be when you were growing up?
I wanted to be a vet (and still want to be one).
L – Languages: How many languages can you speak?
I can speak English and Afrikaans.
M – Music: Your favourite artist and song right now?
Firm Foundation by Maverick City Music, Chandler Moore & Cody Carnes
N – Number: Do you have a lucky number?
O – Others: What’s your favourite sport outside of netball?
I like watching rugby but really enjoy playing squash.
P – Present: What would be your dream gift to receive?
A passport where I don't need a visa to travel.
Q – Quirky: Who has the most interesting fashion sense?
I would probably have to say myself. I don't really have a style, I just wear any clothes I like!
R – Red Carpet: Who is the most famous contact in your phone?
Most of the famous people I know are from netball, but the ultimate has to be Norma Plummer.
S – Superstitions: Do you have any matchday routines?
T – Talent: What’s your secret talent outside of netball?
I can draw, although it might take me years to finish a drawing!
U: Under pressure: Who in the squad would be the best in a bad situation?
Jodie Gibson
V – Verified: How often do you use social media?
Way too often! Sometimes I irritate myself with the amount of time I spent on social media.
W – Worst fear: What are you most scared of?
I am scared of falling short of my full potential.
X – X-ray: Have you ever broken any bones?
Thankfully not, but I have fractured my humerus.
Y – Youth: Where did you grow up?
I grew up in a small town called Bethal and in Potchefstroom.
Z – Zoo: What’s your favourite animal?
For someone that loves animals, that is not a fair question.