Quick Questions with Phil Brantingham

How well does new signing Phil Brantingham know his teammates? Let's find out.
Best dancer in the team?
- Nick Isiekwe.
Biggest motivator?
- Callum Braley for the bibs.
Worst fashion sense in the squad?
- Andy Onyeama-Christie, thinks he’s cool.
Most likely to be late for a team meeting?
- Kapeli Pifeleti, probably sleeping.
Who wouldn't you trust with your final £5?
- Rhys Carre.
Best chef in the squad?
- Harvey Beaton is good! Dangerous banana bread.
Most likely to quit rugby for another job?
- Hugh Tizard, fingers in a lot of pies.
Funniest person in the squad?
- Fraser Balmain.
Biggest liability in the squad?
- Sam Crean, he’s a maniac.
Worst music taste?
- Mine isn’t great to be fair, love Adele.
Most likely to become a coach?
- Alex Goode, already is one as he doesn’t train.
Fastest to the bar?
- See question about liability....
Most likely to not buy a round?
- Tom Willis, had a flat tyre for six months.
Biggest teacher’s pet?
- Louie Johnson, second biggest nause.